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「MINERVA 2024 in London」に出展します







  会期 : 2024年7月24日(水)~7月27日(土) 

  会場 : マル・ギャラリーズ(MALL GALLERIES)


  主催 : MINERVA実行委員会

  運営 : 株式会社クオリアート

  協力 : 英国王立美術家協会(RBA)









​ artページ










  会期 : 2024年7月23日(火)~28日(日) 


  会場 : Gallery 美庵(びあん)

       東京都中央区銀座8丁目7-6 平つかビル5F




                           インスタグラム @b_bgallery










​ artページ













  会期 : 2024年4月9日(火)~4月16日(火)

  会場 : 東京都美術館





「ル・サロン 2024」に参加します。








   会期  : 2024年2月14日~18日

   時間  : 11:00~20:00

   会場  : グラン・パレ・エフェメール


   主催  : フランス芸術家協会

   窓口  : ㈱麗人社 







​ artページ






 今回は新作の油彩を2点出品する予定です。ちなみに沼田沼というのが私の子供で一緒に参加しています。作品は販売可能で、少々グッズもおいていただく予定です。カード支払いも可能なので是非この機会にご検討ください。 本人は1月13日(土)の正午に一時間ほど在廊します。




  会期 : 2024年1月9日(火)~14日(日) 


  会場 : Gallery 美庵(びあん)

       東京都中央区銀座8丁目7-6 平つかビル5F




                           インスタグラム @b_bgallery




EPSON001 (2).JPG
「第31回 国際平和美術展」海外展に出展します








  会期 : 2023年10月6日(金)~10日(火)

  会場 : ベトナム国立美術博物館


​  主催 : I.P.A実行委員会

  運営 : 株式会社クオリアート










​ artページ











  会期 : 2023年9月26日(火)~10月1日(日)

       10:00~17:00  ※初日は13:00から、最終日は16:00まで

  会場 : 静岡市民ギャラリー 第2第4展示室





EPSON001 (2).JPG
「第31回 国際平和美術展」国内展に出展します









  会期 : 2023年8月8日(火)~13日(日)

       10:00~18:00  ※初日は13:00から、最終日は13:00まで

  会場 : 金沢21世紀美術館 市民ギャラリーB






「MINERVA 2023 in London」に出展しました






  会期 : 2023年7月25日(火)~7月28日(金) 

  会場 : マル・ギャラリーズ(MALL GALLERIES)


  主催 : MINERVA実行委員会

  運営 : 株式会社クオリアート

  協力 : 英国王立美術家協会(RBA)















  会期 : 2023年7月18日(火)~23日(日) 


  会場 : Gallery 美庵(びあん)

       東京都中央区銀座8丁目7-6 平つかビル5F




                           インスタグラム @b_bgallery









​ artページ

「MINERVA 2023 in KYOTO」に出展します







  会期 : 2023年4月19日(木)~4月23日(日) 

​       10:00~18:00(最終日は13:00まで)

  会場 : 京都市京セラ美術館 2階南回廊 西側










​ artページ

「ル・サロン 2023」に参加します。








   会期  : 2023年2月14日~19日

   時間  : 11:00~20:00

   会場  : グラン・パレ・エフェメール


   主催  : フランス芸術家協会

   窓口  : ㈱麗人社 

美術書籍「美術年鑑 2023」に名が掲載されました。







 装 丁 : A4

 発売日 : 2023年1月一般発売

 発売元 : ㈱美術年鑑社















「第30回 国際平和美術展」国内展に出展します









  会期 : 2022年11月8日(火)~12日(土)

       10:00~19:00  ※初日は13:00から

  会場 : 東京芸術劇場 5階 展示ギャラリー1.2
















  会期 : 2022年10月24日(月)~29日(土) 


  会場 : Bian⇔美庵(びあん・びあん)

       東京都港区新橋5丁目22-6 ル・グラシエル2号館1階




                           インスタグラム @b_bgallery









​ ぜひアクセスしてみてください。

​ artページ

「Exhibition of MINERVA 2022」に出展します







  会期 : 2022年8月24日(日)~8月27日(水) 

  会場 : マル・ギャラリーズ(MALL GALLERIES)


  主催 : MINERVA実行委員会

  運営 : 株式会社クオリアート

  協力 : 英国王立美術家協会(RBA)





20220706-1 (1).JPG
「卯京華月 絵画個展」を開催します。











  会期 : 2022年7月30日(土)~8月26日(金) 年中無休

       平日/9:00~17:00 土日祝/9:00~16:30

  会場 : 長野銀行 大名町支店 ながぎんコミュニティープラザ

       長野県松本市大手2丁目2番16号 1階







「第30回 国際平和美術展」海外展に出展します









  会期 : 前期 2022年6月14日(火)~17日(金)

       後期        20日(月)~23日(木)

  会場 : UNESCO(国際連合教育科学文化機関)パリ本部





「第3回 藝展」海外展に出展します




 展覧会の参加情報です。「第3回 藝展」海外展に出展いたします。こちらは京都の清水寺と世界を舞台にしたプロジェクトとなっております。





  会期 :  前半 2022年3月18日(金)~3月20日(日) 

        後半     3月22日⁽火⁾~3月24日⁽木⁾ 

  会場 :  クエリー二・スタンパリア美術館


  主催 :  藝展実行委員会 (06)6311-1400

  運営 :  株式会社クオリアート




「ル・サロン 2022」に参加します。









   会期  : 2022年2月16日~20日

   時間  : 11:00~20:00(17・19日は22:00まで)

   会場  : グラン・パレ・エフェメール


   主催  : フランス芸術家協会

   窓口  : ㈱麗人社 

美術書籍「美術年鑑 2022」に名が掲載されました。







 装 丁 : A4

 発売日 : 2022年1月一般発売

 発売元 : ㈱美術年鑑社























​ blogのページ

「第3回 藝展」に出展します





「第3回 藝展」に出展いたします。





  会期 :  前半 2021年12月3日(金)~12月5日(木) 

        後半     12月7日⁽火⁾~12月9日⁽木⁾ ←私はコチラ


  会場 :  清水寺 圓通殿 


  主催 :  藝展実行委員会

​  運営 :  株式会社クオリアート




「第12回 世界平和芸術家協会展」に出展します



 「第12回 世界平和芸術家協会展」に出展いたします。



  会期 :  2021年11月26日(金)~12月5日(日)

        10:00~18:00 (11/30休館日、最終日14:30まで)


  会場 :  国立新美術館 2階展示室B


  主催 :  世界平和芸術家協会

  運営 :  株式会社アートジャーナル社










     4月頃     日本×チェコ国交樹立100周年記念「第2回 藝展」海外展 

             (チェコ・プラハ マネス・エキシビジョン・ホール)


     4月      美術書籍「MINERVA 2021」全国書店で発売 作品掲載

      6月中旬    電子書籍版 ミック・デイビス氏との合同作品集 発刊

      7月6日~7月10日  「第29回 国際平和美術展」国内展示

               (東京都池袋 東京芸術劇場)

      7月15日~7月18日  日本×チェコ国交樹立100周年記念

                「第2回 藝展」海外展 

             (チェコ・プラハ マネス・エキシビジョン・ホール)

      7月24日~7月28日  日光東照宮美術展覧会「芸術神来楽展」

               (栃木県日光市 日光東照宮)

      8月25日~8月28日  「Exhibition of MINERVA 2021」海外展

              (イギリスロンドン マル・ギャラリーズ)

               英国王立美術家協会 名誉会員 最上級六つ星

      9月16日~9月19日  「第29回 国際平和美術展」海外展

                (アメリカ・ニューヨーク カーネギーホール) 


      10月10日     書籍版 ミック・デイビス氏との合同作品集 発刊

      10月19日~22日   「第29回 国際平和美術展」海外展

               (アメリカ・ニューヨーク カーネギーホール)

                    10月20日頃    フランスの公募展「ル・サロン2022」に入選しました!!               







よかったらアクセスしてみてください。​      →Instagram   →Twitter

We will exhibit at "Exhibition of MINERVA 2020"

July 1, 2020

United Kingdom, in London of Mar Galleries, exhibition by contemporary Japanese elite artists to 200 people will be held. (Japanese painting, Western painting, sculpture, crafts, photography, calligraphy, etc.)

This is part of the project Minerva, which is sent from London to the world. This term I became a five-star honorary member of the Royal Society of British Artists.

The gallery for this exhibition in London is the same as the previous year, Maru Galleries. This is also a place for the Royal Society of British Artists.

We exhibited the oil painting "Ake no 螢" of M20's past works there.

It seems that it will be held as scheduled for now, but it depends on the condition of the corona in the future, so if it is postponed, we will notify you as soon as possible.

If the event is held as scheduled, we would be very grateful if you could pay attention to hygiene. Thank you for your cooperation.

Date: July 29th (Wednesday) -August 1st (Saturday), 2020 → Postponed at Corona

Venue: MALL GALLERIES, London, England

See the blog post for details.

For inquiries regarding this exhibition, please click here .

Exhibited at the 25th Japanese Art National Selected Artists Exhibition


It will be in the past of exhibition participation information.

We exhibited at the 25th Japanese Art National Selected Artists Exhibition. This exhibition was held in a competition format at the Ueno Royal Museum in Ueno, Tokyo.

The exhibited work was an undisclosed F30 oil painting.

Session: February 14th (Friday) -February 18th (Tuesday), 2020


Venue: The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo



See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

Selected for the "96th Shirahikai Exhibition" for the first time


It will be in the past of exhibition participation information.

We were selected for the first time at the 96th Shirahikai Exhibition. It was exhibited at the National Art Center, Tokyo in Roppongi, Tokyo, but it was not open to the public due to the influence of the corona .

The exhibited work was an oil painting of F100, which depicts the roadside station of Rikuzentakata after the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Instead of being open to the public, one video of the inside of the venue of this exhibition was shot on YouTube's Hakujitsukai channel, and one was re-edited after the exhibition. It has been done.

I had it exhibited in Room 20. I will upload the address, so please take a look if you like.

Date: March 18th (Thursday) -March 30th (Monday), 2020

→ Not open to the public due to corona

Venue: The National Art Center, Tokyo, Roppongi


Hakujitsukai YouTube Channel:

During the session [Urgent delivery] The 96th Shirahikai Exhibition on the Web (young production version) → 47 minutes

After the exhibition [First Web version exhibition of open recruitment group] 96th Shirahikai Exhibition-Complete version


See the Blog article for details.

Click here for details of this exhibition. You can also download the catalog.

The name was published in the art book "Art Yearbook 2020".

June 30, 2020

In the Japanese art industry, to assess the handling prices in the Gallery of the writer, to me review the standard price of the year, it will be the art books that here of art Yearbook.

You can see my name on that one released this year. The price as a writer was also judged, and I was thankful for the evaluation. thank you very much. I would like to devote myself to this without being overwhelmed.

Binding: A4

Release date: January 7, 2020 General release

Publisher: Art Yearbook Co., Ltd.

See the Blog article for details.

This book is also available for general sale. If you are interested, click here

I uploaded the photo!

April 6, 2021 (Tuesday)

The work image with the car page art page has been uploaded!

We have uploaded the works produced this year from the latter half of 2020. Click on the work to enlarge it.

I've been studying digital painting since last summer, so I'm sorry that the number of analog works is small, but if you feel like it, please take a look.

car page

art page

Last year (2020) second half information summary

April 6, 2021

The Mamanarazu also New Year's Greetings, we have celebrated the cherry blossoms bloom season. Happy new year (← quite late)

Congratulations to all new semesters, new students and new members of society. Even under these circumstances, please do your best while enjoying the seasons.

Because of this, the exhibition was postponed due to the corona virus, and since last year I couldn't make any announcements in the early spring of this year, so I will review the information in the latter half of last year.


◆ July 29-August 1, 2020

"Exhibition of MINERVA 2020"

(Mal Gallery, London, England) → Postponed

→ Changed from October 14th to October 17th, 2020


◆ May 23-27, 2020

"28th International Peace Art Exhibition" Overseas Exhibition

(Old City Hall, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania) → Postponed

→ Changed from October 22nd to October 26th, 2020.


◆ June 9-28, 2020

"ART BLEND" Overseas Open Call Exhibition

(Gallery Swiss Art Space, Lausanne, Switzerland) → Postponed

→ Changed from August 21st to September 11th, 2020.

◆ August 2020 "Re: Graffiti Solo Exhibition" scheduled to be held → postponed

◆ September 9th-September 13th, 2020

"28th International Peace Art Exhibition" Domestic Exhibition

(Kyoto City Kyocera Museum Annex 2nd floor)

◆ September 24th-October 30th, 2020 "Ukyo Kazuki Oil Painting Exhibition"

(Matsumoto City Nagano Bank Daimeicho Branch Counter)

◆ November 2020 Selected for the French public exhibition "Le Salon"! !!


◆ November 22-28, 2020 "Re: Graffiti Solo Exhibition"

◆ November 30th-December 6th, 2020 Solo exhibition "Raku-RAKU-" held

(Matsumoto City Gallery Shinano)


It was a flow. At the angry Corona Postponement Festival, I fell into an announcement panic and couldn't catch up at all. I'm really sorry that it couldn't function normally.

Even so, there are some exhibitions that haven't been held yet.

◆ April 8-11, 2020

Japan x Czech Diplomatic Relations 100th Anniversary "Buddhist Exhibition" Overseas Exhibition

(Czech Republic Manes Exhibition Hall)

This exhibition has changed from November to December to April this year, but it has been postponed again.

In the future, we will announce again when the session is decided.

We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.


The picture on the left is one of the "Today's graffiti" posted on Instagram and Twitter. This is a piece of graffiti that was reacting in real time in this corona wreck. Please access it if you like.


We will exhibit at "Exhibition of MINERVA 2020"

July 1, 2020

United Kingdom, in London of Mar Galleries, exhibition by contemporary Japanese elite artists to 200 people will be held. (Japanese painting, Western painting, sculpture, crafts, photography, calligraphy, etc.)

This is part of the project Minerva, which is sent from London to the world. This term I became a five-star honorary member of the Royal Society of British Artists.

The gallery for this exhibition in London is the same as the previous year, Maru Galleries. This is also a place for the Royal Society of British Artists.

We exhibited the oil painting "Ake no 螢" of M20's past works there.

It seems that it will be held as scheduled for now, but it depends on the condition of the corona in the future, so if it is postponed, we will notify you as soon as possible.

If the event is held as scheduled, we would be very grateful if you could pay attention to hygiene. Thank you for your cooperation.

Date: July 29th (Wednesday) -August 1st (Saturday), 2020 → Postponed at Corona

Venue: MALL GALLERIES, London, England

See the blog post for details.

For inquiries regarding this exhibition, please click here .

About the exhibition that has been postponed due to the corona

July 1, 2020

But is the corona, which has given an enormous impact on a global scale since the beginning of this year, how about you? Stay. For me, most of the events scheduled for the first half of the year, including the Hakujitsukai exhibition, have been postponed or canceled. Please touch the work. Everyone's health is the most important, so I think this is unavoidable.

Information on the postponed exhibition will be posted here.


◆ April 8-11, 2020

Japan x Czech Diplomatic Relations 100th Anniversary "Buddhist Exhibition" Overseas Exhibition

(Czech Republic Manes Exhibition Hall)


◆ May 23-27, 2020

"28th International Peace Art Exhibition" Overseas Exhibition

(Old City Hall, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania)


◆ June 9-28, 2020

"ART BLEND" Overseas Open Call Exhibition

(Gallery Swiss Art Space, Lausanne, Switzerland)



For now, the above three exhibitions have been postponed. In the future, we will announce again when the session is decided.

We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.


The picture on the left is one of the "Today's graffiti" posted on Instagram and Twitter. This is a piece of graffiti that was reacting in real time in this corona wreck. Please access it if you like.


I uploaded the photo!

June 30, 2020 (Tuesday)

The work images on the art page and other page have been uploaded!

We have uploaded the works produced by the first half of 2020. Click on the work to enlarge it.

Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

 other page

Selected for the "96th Shirahikai Exhibition" for the first time


It will be in the past of exhibition participation information.

We were selected for the first time at the 96th Shirahikai Exhibition. It was exhibited at the National Art Center, Tokyo in Roppongi, Tokyo, but it was not open to the public due to the influence of the corona .

The exhibited work was an oil painting of F100, which depicts the roadside station of Rikuzentakata after the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Instead of being open to the public, one video of the inside of the venue of this exhibition was shot on YouTube's Hakujitsukai channel, and one was re-edited after the exhibition. It has been done.

I had it exhibited in Room 20. I will upload the address, so please take a look if you like.

Date: March 18th (Thursday) -March 30th (Monday), 2020

→ Not open to the public due to corona

Venue: The National Art Center, Tokyo, Roppongi


Hakujitsukai YouTube Channel:

During the session [Urgent delivery] The 96th Shirahikai Exhibition on the Web (young production version) → 47 minutes

After the exhibition [First Web version exhibition of open recruitment group] 96th Shirahikai Exhibition-Complete version


See the Blog article for details.

Click here for details of this exhibition. You can also download the catalog.

The name was published in the art book "Art Yearbook 2020".

June 30, 2020

In the Japanese art industry, to assess the handling prices in the Gallery of the writer, to me review the standard price of the year, it will be the art books that here of art Yearbook.

You can see my name on that one released this year. The price as a writer was also judged, and I was thankful for the evaluation. thank you very much. I would like to devote myself to this without being overwhelmed.

Binding: A4

Release date: January 7, 2020 General release

Publisher: Art Yearbook Co., Ltd.

See the Blog article for details.

This book is also available for general sale. If you are interested, click here

The book "MINERVA 2020" has been published.

June 30, 2020

My work also "MINERVA 2020", which is published will have been published in late March. This is part of the project Minerva, which is sent from London to the world. This book can be purchased at bookstores nationwide, so please check it out.

  Art book name: "MINERVA 2020"

Binding: A4 variant, with English translation, art printing

Departure: Qualiart

Selling: Shuppan Bunkasha

Release date: Late March 2020

Gold amount: 2,500 yen + tax


It is also available on Amazon.

For inquiries about this book, please click here .

I was invited to the exhibition of the main members of the Royal Society of British Artists.

June 30, 2020

But is participating are "MINERVA" planning every year, United Kingdom, in London of Mar Galleries, Contemporary Japanese elite artists, we exhibition was held by about 200 people. (Japanese painting, Western painting, sculpture, crafts, photography, calligraphy, etc.)

I received the Grand Prix at this exhibition, which I participated in last year, and invited the first Japanese oil paintings to the exhibition held in late February this year, which is limited to the main members of the Royal Society of British Artists. I had it.

The gallery was the same for this exhibition in London, Mar Gallerys. This is also a place for the Royal Society of British Artists. We exhibited the P20 oil painting that won the award last year.

Since I was introduced to the original Instagram, the image on the left is what I was impressed with.

I was looking at Instagram with tears from Japan.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who visited the site.

Session: February 20, 2020 (Thursday) ~


See the blog post for details. Click here for an article about the response after the exhibition last year.

For inquiries regarding this exhibition, please click here .

Honorary member of the Royal Society of British Artists has become a five-star!

February 2020

I am an honorary member of the Royal Society of British Artists, which I have been a member of since 2016, and now I am ranked 5 stars at the highest rank! !!

The Royal Society of British Artists is one of the few art organizations in the United Kingdom that has been accredited by the Queen. The first chairman is Whistler. It has a history of 200 years. The Nitten of Japanese art groups has been around for 100 years, so it has been doubled. Some of the past subscribers were Monet, who is familiar with Mizuren. Currently, there are strict screenings to join this group, and it seems that reservations alone will wait for several years.

We are very grateful that we have joined a very wonderful organization with a long history and are steadily improving our level year by year.

We will continue to devote ourselves so that we can carry out activities that are not ashamed of this.

Exhibited at the 25th Japanese Art National Selected Artists Exhibition


It will be in the past of exhibition participation information.

We exhibited at the 25th Japanese Art National Selected Artists Exhibition. This exhibition was held in a competition format at the Ueno Royal Museum in Ueno, Tokyo.

The exhibited work was an undisclosed F30 oil painting.

Session: February 14th (Friday) -February 18th (Tuesday), 2020


Venue: The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo



See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

Gallery staff recommended work exhibition
Participating in the "Gallery IYN and Hiroshige Ando" exhibition

January 18, 2020 (Friday)

Will be held in Osaka Gallery IYN, we will participate in the exhibition here.

I will exhibit 5 works. For more information, please see the blog post.

Please come visit us when you come near us.


Session: January 18th (Friday) -January 22nd (Wednesday), 2020

Venue: Gallery IYN

(Nakazaki WEST Building 4F, 4-1-8 Nakazakinishi, Kita-ku, Osaka)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please contact Art and Selection


January 1, 2020 (Wednesday)

happy New Year.

Thank you very much for your help last year.

I get the same feelings every year, but I managed to survive for a year and survived safely. thank you very much.

The publication of the artist's name in the Art Yearbook, which I was very pleased with last year, was also posted this year. I'm really grateful.

After that, this is also a great story, but the work on the right, which was exhibited in the UK last July, was invited to an exhibition in which only the main members of the Royal Society of British Artists participate! It will be exhibited in February this year! !!

An exhibition only for the main members, which is held once a year by a prestigious British art organization certified by Her Majesty the Queen, who has a history of more than 200 years.

I am the first Japanese oil painting! The work will be the invited artist.

I am deeply grateful to all of you for your support.

This year, I am proud to have such a wonderful start, but I would like to face the work sincerely without being proud of it.

I will do my best again this year while devoting myself to various aspects so that I can make full use of my past and become independent as a writer.

We look forward to working with you again this year.

Ukyo Kagetsu

I registered for "Mercari".
2019 December 30 (Monday)

Flea market tried to register the app "Merukari".

I tried to create a place where you can buy works and goods online, which has been requested from before. The good thing about Mercari is that you can buy it without my personal information. After that, I think the advantage is that you can pay with a card.

Later, works and goods that can be purchased at Mercari can also be purchased directly from me. In that case, please contact us by email.

Works of size 20 and above will be on sale at the beginning of the year.


We would be grateful if you could consider purchasing at this opportunity.

Please take a look if you like.

We look forward to your likes and follow-ups.


See the Blog article for details.

I edited the page!

2019.12.30 (Monday)

I edited the contents of the profile page and contact page!

The profile page has been updated next year, and the contact page has updated link details such as Mercari and Facebook.

Please take a look if you feel like it.

profile page    contact page

I uploaded the photo!

2019.12.17 (Tuesday)

The work image on the art page has been uploaded!

We have added 3 images of works exhibited in Osaka from mid-December.

It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it. Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

_20191127_122229 (1).JPG
"Gallery staff recommended work exhibition
~ Kuniyoshi Utagawa and IYN SELECTION ~ ”

November 27, 2019 (Wednesday)

Will be held in Osaka Gallery IYN, we will participate in the exhibition here. I will exhibit 5 works. For more information, please see the blog post.

Please come visit us when you come near us.


Session: December 10th (Tuesday) -December 15th (Sunday), 2019

Venue: Gallery IYN

(Nakazaki WEST Building 4F, 4-1-8 Nakazakinishi, Kita-ku, Osaka)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please contact Art and Selection

I uploaded the photo!

November 27, 2019 (Wednesday)

The work image on the art page has been uploaded!

We have added images of oil paintings that will be exhibited at Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto from the end of November. This work will also be exhibited at the overseas exhibition of the Yabu exhibition in April.

It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it. Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

We will participate in the "2nd GEI-TEN-" domestic exhibition!

November 3, 2019 (Sun)

This is exhibition became a carry to be founded in 100 anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations of Japan × Czech Republic. This time, the domestic exhibition will be in Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto, and the overseas exhibition will be in the Czech Republic.

This time we are announcing the holding of a domestic exhibition. My work will be displayed in the second half. If you are in the area, please drop in.

Session: [First term] November 29th (Friday) -December 1st (Sunday), 2019

[Late] December 3rd (Tuesday) -December 5th (Thursday), 2019 ◀ Participation date

Venue: Otowayama Kiyomizu-dera Entsuden (Kyoto)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please contact Qualiart.

To commemorate the 3rd anniversary of graffiti
"Ukyo Kazuki Graffiti Solo Exhibition" will be held.

November 3, 2019 (Sun)

"Today's graffiti" that is updated daily in the way of in-Star grams we have exceeded 3 years in August 29 this year. This time it will be a solo exhibition of graffiti.

We will exhibit graffiti for 3 years from August 30, 2016 to August 29, 2019, when we started graffiti. We also sell postcards and other goods. Treasurer to Shinano Gallery next door. Admission is free.

And this time it will be the last graffiti solo exhibition. We will sell the paintings so far at an affordable price, and donate a part of the purchased amount to the area damaged by the typhoon this year. We would appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Session: November 10th (Sun) -December 1st (Sun), 2019 Open all year round

From 10:00 to 18:00 (until 17:00 on the last day)

[Writer's hall: November 30th (Sat), December 1st (Sun)]

Live drawing will be held on 11/30.

Venue: Gallery Shinano

3-7-8 Fukashi, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture

TEL (0263) 35-1039

Matsumoto Performing Arts Center West Yoko

See the Blog article for details. Click here for the call mail to the writer →

We will exhibit at the "27th International Peace Art Exhibition" overseas exhibition

October 10, 2019 (Thursday)

The 2019 International Peace Art Exhibition will be held in Austria and Yokohama, which will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the establishment of official diplomacy with Japan. This time it will be an announcement of an overseas exhibition.

I wanted to exhibit the exhibited works in line with the message that accompanies the works, so I decided to exhibit the past works of oil paintings this time as well. I hope you enjoy the message together.

If you are in the area, please come visit us. Thank you.


Date: November 1st (Friday) -November 4th (Monday / holiday), 2019

Venue: Inside Schoenbrunn Palace (World Cultural Heritage)

(Vienna, the capital of the Republic of Austria)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

We will participate in "JARDIN Exhibition in Abu Dhabi"! !!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Here is recent years, pro-Japanese countries, Japan and mutually beneficial cooperation is expanding in a wide range of fields, it will be the exhibition to be held in the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi. Mato

In this exhibition, a commemorative catalog will be published that summarizes the exhibited works, and all the exhibited works will be judged by the judges and general visitors, and each award will be selected. We also sell works.

If you have a chance to visit nearby, please stop by.

Session: ① October 12, 2019 (Sat) -October 20, 2019 (Sun): 8 days

② October 22, 2019 (Tuesday) -October 30, 2019 (Wednesday): 8 days

* Every Friday is a closing day

Venue: Etihad Modern Art Gallery

Etihad Modern Art Gallery

(United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please contact Qualiart.

We are holding "Ukyo Kazuki Oil Painting Solo Exhibition" 2!

October 10, 2019 (Thursday)

Always at the bank's point of contact that is taken care of, we have exhibited oil painting work. thank you very much. The works will be replaced once during the session.

I will not be in the hall during the period, but if you call me by email, I will visit the venue. Admission is free, so feel free to drop by.

Date: September 24th (Tuesday) -October 25th (Friday), 2019

Weekdays / 9:00 to 15:00 (closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

* The works will be replaced from October 15th.

Venue: Matsumoto Shinkin Bank West Branch

2-4-1 Nagisa, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture

TEL (0263) 25-6450

See the Blog article for details. Click here for the call mail to the writer →

"Ukyo Kazuki Oil Painting Solo Exhibition" will be held.

August 8, 2019 (Thursday)

Always at the bank who is taken care of in the way of self-employed, it became a carry to hold a solo exhibition of oil paintings center. thank you very much. I will not be in the hall during the period, but if you call me by email, I will go to the opening.

This bank has a window on the 2nd floor, and the exhibition space is the space behind the ATM on the 1st floor. Due to the location close to Matsumoto Castle, you can easily take a peek at the time when the ATM is in operation, so please stop by for sightseeing. Admission is free.

Session: August 8th (Thursday) -September 16th (Monday), 2019 Open all year round

Weekdays / 9:00 to 17:00 Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays / 9:00 to 16:30

Venue: Nagano Bank Daimeicho Branch Nagagin Community Plaza

2-2-16 Ote, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture 1st floor

TEL (0263) 27-3312

It is diagonally opposite Yohashira Shrine.

See the Blog article for details. Click here for the call mail to the writer →

I uploaded the photo!

2019.8.8 (Thursday)

The work image on the art page has been uploaded!

We have added images of oil paintings that were exhibited in London, England from the end of July and were highly acclaimed.

It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it. Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

We exhibited at the Exhibition of MINERVA 2019.

August 8, 2019

United Kingdom, in London of Mar Galleries, exhibition by contemporary Japanese elite artist 200 people was held. (Japanese painting, Western painting, sculpture, crafts, photography, calligraphy, etc.)

This is part of the project Minerva, which is sent from London to the world. This term I became a four-star honorary member of the Royal Society of British Artists.

The gallery for this exhibition in London is the same as the previous year, Maru Galleries. This is also a place for the Royal Society of British Artists.

We exhibited a new oil painting work of P20 there.

It seems that they have been praised, and I have teary eyes. I'm a writer.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who visited the site.


Date: July 31st (Wednesday) -August 3rd (Saturday), 2019


See the blog post for details. Click here for an article on the response after the exhibition.

For inquiries regarding this exhibition, please click here .

Participate in "17th ZEN Exhibition Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum"

2019.6.13 (Thursday)

We will participate at this public exhibition. I would be grateful if you could check the detailed flow on the blog, but I will exhibit two past works of oil painting. I plan to bring works that have never been exhibited in Tokyo.

This open call for participants exhibition is a open call for participants who decides the prize. The interim examination will be held until July 7. We hope that many people will come and vote if you are satisfied.

I think this exhibition, where various genres are gathered together, is quite fun just to look at. There seems to be a place where you can store portfolio books and free business cards, so please feel free to browse.

Please drop in when you come near us.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Date: July 3, 2019 ₍Wed₎-July 8 (Monday)

Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (8-36 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please contact the ZEN Exhibition Office.

Participate in "Wine and Enjoy Art Exhibition"

2019.06.13 (Thursday)

Will be held in Osaka Gallery IYN, we will participate in the exhibition here. This is a special exhibition where you can relax and enjoy art while drinking wine. I will exhibit 4 oil paintings and 1 print work. For more information, please take a look at the blog post.

Please come visit us when you come near us.


Date: June 15th (Sat) -July 3rd (Wed), 2019

Venue: Gallery IYN

(Nakazaki WEST Building 4F, 4-1-8 Nakazakinishi, Kita-ku, Osaka)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please contact Art and Selection

We will exhibit at the "27th International Peace Art Exhibition" domestic exhibition

June 13, 2019 (Thursday)

The 2019 International Peace Art Exhibition will be held in Austria and Yokohama, which will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the establishment of official diplomacy with Japan. This time it will be the announcement of the domestic exhibition.

I wanted to exhibit the exhibited works in line with the message that accompanies the works, so I decided to exhibit the past works of oil paintings this time as well. I hope you enjoy the message together.

If you are in the area, please come visit us. Thank you.


Date: June 18th (Tuesday) -June 22nd (Saturday), 2019

From 10:00 to 17:00 (* From 13:00 on the first day)

Venue: Kanagawa Kenmin Hall Gallery 2nd-5th Exhibition Room

(3-1 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

Participated in "Background Art Exhibition".

2019.06.13 (Thursday)

Update was sorry slower. I hurriedly participated in this open call for participants exhibition held at the gallery in Osaka. I exhibited oil paintings.

Thank you for inviting me. Thank you to everyone who came to visit us.


Date: April 26th (Friday) -May 1st (Wednesday), 2019

Venue: Gallery IYN

(4th floor, Nakazaki WEST Building, 4-1-8 Nakazakinishi, Kita-ku, Osaka)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please contact Art and Selection

Participated in the " Gei-TEN-" overseas exhibition

2019.06.13 (Thursday)

This is in the exhibition became a carry to founding the 100 anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations of Japan × Poland,

This year will be the first time. Starting from Kiyomizu-dera, we will develop art exhibitions in Japan and overseas as an activity to disseminate the charm of all arts and culture to the world and not only to preserve tradition but also to take measures to nurture it. This time, which will be the founding exhibition, the domestic exhibition will be at Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto, and the overseas exhibition will be at the National Museum of Art in Poland.

This time it was an overseas exhibition.

Date: April 8th (Monday) -April 21st (Sunday), 2019

Venue: National Museum of Art with Villa Neuf Palace

(Poland, Warsaw)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please contact Qualiart.

The book "MINERVA 2019" has been published.


Have also been published my work "MINERVA 2019" was published in late March. This is part of the project Minerva, which is sent from London to the world. This book can be purchased at bookstores nationwide, so please check it out.

  Art book name: "MINERVA 2019"

Binding: A4 variant, with English translation, art printing

Departure: Qualiart

Selling: Shuppan Bunkasha

Release Date: Late March 2019

Gold amount: 2,500 yen + tax


It is also available on Amazon.

For inquiries about this book, please click here .

To commemorate the 2.5th anniversary of graffiti
"Ukyo Kazuki Graffiti Solo Exhibition" will be held.

March 25, 2019 (Monday)

"Today's graffiti" that is updated daily in the way of in-Star grams we break through the two-and-a-half years in February 28 this year. And it is still ongoing.

This time, in commemoration of the breakthrough of two and a half years, we will exhibit the graffiti from August 30, 2016 to February 28, 2019. We also sell postcards and other goods. Treasurer to Shinano Gallery next door. Admission is free.

And next is the last graffiti solo exhibition.

We are planning from mid-November to early December. I look forward to working with you.

Dates: March 28th (Thursday) -April 21st (Sunday), 2019 Open all year round

10: 00-18: 00

[Writers in the hall: April 14th (Sun), 20th (Sat), 21st (Sun)]

Venue: Gallery Shinano

3-7-8 Fukashi, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture

TEL (0263) 35-1039

Matsumoto Performing Arts Center West Yoko

There is a parking lot in the back

See the Blog article for details. Click here for the call mail to the writer →

I uploaded the photo!

2019.3.25 (Monday)

The work image on the art page has been uploaded!

The oil paintings exhibited at Ueno in February and the oil paintings drawn with graffiti have been added.

It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it. Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

We will exhibit at the 24th Japanese Art National Selected Artists Exhibition.

2019.1.13. Sun

The first of this year's exhibition participation information.

We will exhibit at the 24th Japanese Art National Selected Artists Exhibition. This exhibition will be held in a competition format at the Ueno Royal Museum in Ueno, Tokyo.

The exhibited work will be an undisclosed F50 oil painting. The work image will be uploaded after participating in the exhibition.

If you have a chance to go near you, please come and visit us.

Date: February 16th (Sat) -February 20th (Wed), 2019

10: 00-17: 00

* From 13:00 on the first day to 12:00 on the last day

Venue: The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo

free entrance


See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

The name was published in the art book "Art Yearbook 2019".

2019.01.13. Sun

In the Japanese art industry, to assess the handling prices in the Gallery of the writer, to me review the standard price of the year, it will be the art books that here of art Yearbook.

You can see my name on that one released this year. The price as a writer was also examined, and although it was published for the first time, it was unfortunately appreciated. thank you very much. I would like to devote myself to this without being overwhelmed.

Binding: A4

Release date: January 7, 2019 General release

Publisher: Art Yearbook Co., Ltd.

See the Blog article for details.

This book is also available for general sale. If you are interested, click here


2019.1.1. Tue

happy New Year.

Thank you for everything last year.

I managed to survive for a year and survived safely. thank you very much. In the future, I want to make the most of what I have survived.

And, thanks to you, I will be able to post my name on the long-awaited Art Yearbook from this year. I am deeply grateful to all of you for your support.

This year, we will take the initiative in extending what we have been doing and what we have been thinking of trying in the spirit of Shuhari.

First of all, I would like to work sincerely so that I can make full use of my past so that I can deliver interesting things and goods that resonate more than ever to those who support me, and activities that resonate with me. think.

We look forward to working with you again this year.

Ukyo Kagetsu

I uploaded the photo!

November 14, 2018. Wed

The work image on the art page has been uploaded!

We have added images of oil paintings that were exhibited in Taiwan in October and oil paintings that will be exhibited in Kyoto in the future.

It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it. Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

We will participate in the " Gei-TEN-" domestic exhibition.

2018.11.14 (Wednesday)

This is in the exhibition became a carry to founding the 100 anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations of Japan × Poland,

This year will be the first time. Starting from Kiyomizu-dera, we will develop art exhibitions in Japan and overseas as an activity to disseminate the charm of all arts and culture to the world and not only to preserve tradition but also to take measures to nurture it. This time, which will be the founding exhibition, the domestic exhibition will be at Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto, and the overseas exhibition will be at the National Museum of Art in Poland.

This time, we would like to inform you about the domestic exhibition. I participated in the previous term and the exhibited works will be new oil paintings. We will be attending the reception party, so we will be at the venue in the morning of December 1st.

If you are in the area, please come and join us.

Date: November 30th (Friday) -December 2nd (Sunday), 2018 Participation in Ukyo!

Late December 4, 2018 ₍Tue₎-December 6 (Thursday)

AM10: 00 ~ PM4: 00

Venue: Otowayama Kiyomizu-dera Entsuden (Kyoto City)

(The artist will be in the hall only in the morning of December 1st)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please contact Qualiart.

We will participate in "JAPAN ART PRINT SHOW 2018 in LAS VEGAS".

2018.11.14 (Wednesday)

Print promotion by popular contemporary artists will be held in Las Vegas, USA, which is famous as a city that never sleeps. In the art industry, new forms of prints that digitize existing works and add signatures and edition numbers are attracting attention.

Qualiart puts an eye on this technology and holds a charity exhibition with digital prints, which has been well received.

This time, my work will be on sale for the third charity exhibition. The exhibit will be a print (No. 6) of the previously drawn oil painting "Squeak, Resonate". This is your chance to get it at a reasonable price.

If you are in the area, please try it.

Date: November 19, 2018 (Monday)

Venue: Bellagio "MONET ROOM 1, 2"

(Las Vegas, USA)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please contact Qualiart.

"The Founding of Japanese Art vol.23" has been published.

2018.11.14. (Wed₎

My work has also been published, "Soato vol.23 of Japan Arts" was published in October. This is a book donated to museums, art galleries, embassies, luxury liners, etc. around the world.

The world's largest book fair was held in Frankfurt, Germany in October of the same year. Qualiart Co., Ltd. set up a booth here and sold this book. Nearly 200 Japanese artists are participating in this book, and I was selected as the pick-up artist at this book fair. I'm really thankful to you. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those who purchased the books locally and those who were interested in me.

This book is also available at bookstores. It can also be sold by Qualiart, so if you are interested, please contact us.

Art book name: "The Traces of Japanese Art vol.23" (2018 edition)

Binding: A4 wide, bookbinding / boxed, all color,

Approximately 350-400 pages of text, more than 200 plates (see 2014),

Review page with English translation,

Gold amount: 8000 yen


See the blog post for details.

For inquiries about this book, please contact Qualiart .

We participated in "Eternal Tomo Exhibition 2018".

2018.11.14 (Wednesday)

Japan and Taiwan has built a friendly relationship until today. Even now, it is a wonderful relationship to reach out to the best of both worlds. In order to strengthen that important connection, the exhibition will be held for the purpose of promoting cultural exchange through art.

As for the exhibited works, we exhibited one new oil painting.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who came to visit us.

Date: October 22nd (Monday) -October 30th (Wednesday), 2018

Venue: National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (Taiwan)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please contact Qualiart.

We participated in "ART WORLD IN JAPAN Osaka".

2018.11.14 (Wednesday)

Update was sorry slower. We participated in this exhibition held at the gallery in Osaka. I exhibited oil paintings.

Thank you for inviting me. Thank you to everyone who came to visit us.


Date: October 20th (Sat) -October 25th (Thursday), 2018

October 27, 2018 ₍Sat₎-November 1 (Thursday)

Venue: Osaka City Gallery & Space PARADE

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please contact Art and Selection

To commemorate the second anniversary of graffiti
"Ukyo Kazuki (mainly graffiti) solo exhibition" will be held.

October 12, 2018 (Thursday)

"Today's graffiti" that is updated daily in the way of in-Star grams we have exceeded two years on August 29, this year. And it is still ongoing.

This time, in commemoration of the breakthrough of 2 years, we will exhibit the graffiti from August 30, 2016 to August 29, 2018. We also sell postcards and other goods. Treasurer to Shinano Art Materials next door. Admission is free. Artist books distributed free of charge will be in stock on the 18th.

And next is scheduled from late March to mid-April. All right.

Session: October 13th (Sat) -November 4th (Sun) Open all year round

10: 00-18: 00

[Writers in the hall: Saturday, November 3rd, Sunday, November 4th]

Venue: Gallery Shinano

3-7-8 Fukashi, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture

TEL (0263) 35-1039

Matsumoto Performing Arts Center West Yoko

There is a parking lot in the back

See the Blog article for details. Click here for the call mail to the writer →

We will exhibit at the 26th International Peace Art Exhibition Overseas Exhibition.

2018.08.04 (sat)

2018 is around the first World War 100 years. This is a milestone year for the International Peace Art Exhibition, which has continued to appeal for the abolition of nuclear weapons and peace together with Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the only countries in the world to be bombed. During this period, the domestic exhibition will be held in Hiroshima City, and the overseas exhibition will be held at the United Nations European Headquarters in Geneva. This time it will be an announcement of an overseas exhibition.

The exhibited works will be the past works of oil painting.

If you are in the area, please come and join us.

Session: September 12, 2018 (Wednesday) -September 17, 2018 (Monday)

September 19, 2018 ₍Wed ₎-September 24 (Monday)

Venue: Palais des Nations (United Nations European Headquarters)

United Nations European Headquarters SALLE PAS PERDUS

(Geneva, Switzerland)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

I uploaded the photo!


The work image on the art page has been uploaded!

I added the oil paintings exhibited in the UK, the oil paintings exhibited at the Tokyo Art Fair, and the two oil paintings that I drew on a daily basis in July.

It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it. Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

We exhibited at the Exhibition of MINERVA 2018.

August 4, 2018

United Kingdom, in London of Mar Galleries, exhibition by contemporary Japanese elite artist 200 people was held. (Japanese painting, Western painting, sculpture, crafts, photography, calligraphy, etc.)

This is part of the project Minerva, which is sent from London to the world. This term I became the highest three-star honorary member of the Royal Society of British Artists.

The gallery for this exhibition in London is the same as the previous year, Maru Galleries. This is also a place for the Royal Society of British Artists.

We exhibited a new oil painting of F20 there.

It seems that it was quite well received, so I am a writer.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who visited the site.


Date: July 25th (Wednesday) -July 28th (Saturday), 2018


See the blog post for details.

For inquiries regarding this exhibition, please click here .

We exhibited at the 26th International Peace Art Exhibition Domestic Exhibition.

June 2018

2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. This is a milestone year for the International Peace Art Exhibition, which has continued to appeal for the abolition of nuclear weapons and peace together with Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the only countries in the world to be bombed. During this period, the domestic exhibition will be held in Hiroshima City, and the overseas exhibition will be held at the United Nations European Headquarters in Geneva. This time it will be a post-event report of the domestic exhibition.

For personal reasons, we have exhibited past works of oil painting.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who visited us.


Date: June 26th (Tuesday) -June 29th (Friday), 2018

From 10:00 to 18:00 (* From 13:00 on the first day)

Venue: JMS Aster Plaza 1F Citizen's Gallery

(Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

We participated in "ACT ART COM -Art & Design Fair 2018-".

June 2018

ACT is proposed, it is a new form of Art & Design Fair.

One piece of work was exhibited at this art fair. It was handled at the booth of Art and Selection, who is always indebted to me. It was my first time to participate in an art fair, so I was really looking forward to it.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to those who visited us.

Date: June 26th (Tuesday) -June 24th (Sunday), 2018

10: 00-17: 00

Venue: The Artcomplex Center of TOKYO (ACT)

(Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)

Works sold at the booth in Gallery IYN (Art and Selection).

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

To commemorate the first and a half anniversary of graffiti
"Ukyo Kazuki (mainly graffiti) solo exhibition" was held.

April 2018

"Today's graffiti" that is updated daily in the way of in-Star grams we break through the one and a half years in February 28 this year. And now it's ongoing.

This time, we will exhibit graffiti from August 30, 2016 to February 28, 2018, which started in commemoration of one and a half years. We also sell postcards and other goods. Treasurer to Shinano Art Materials next door. Admission is free.

And next is scheduled for October. All right.

Session: April 9th ​​(Monday) -April 30th (Monday) Open all year round

10: 00-18: 00

[Writer's hall: April 29 (Sun), April 30 (Mon)]

Venue: Gallery Shinano

3-7-8 Fukashi, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture

TEL (0263) 35-1039

Matsumoto Performing Arts Center West Yoko

There is a parking lot in the back

See the Blog article for details. Click here for the call mail to the writer →

The book "MINERVA 2018" has been published.


Have also been published my work "MINERVA 2018" was published in late March. This is part of the project Minerva, which is sent from London to the world. This book can be purchased at bookstores nationwide, so please check it out.

  Art book name: "MINERVA 2018"

Binding: A4 variant, with English translation, art printing

Departure: Qualiart

Selling: Shuppan Bunkasha

Release date: Late March 2018

Gold amount: 2,500 yen + tax


See the blog post for details.

For inquiries about this book, please click here .

Honorary member of the Royal Society of British Artists has become a three-star!

February 2018

I am an honorary member of the Royal Society of British Artists, which I have been a member of since 2016, and now I am a three-star member! !!

The Royal Society of British Artists is one of the few art organizations in the United Kingdom that has been accredited by the Queen. The first chairman is Whistler. It has a history of 200 years. The Nitten of Japanese art groups has been around for 100 years, so it has been doubled. Some of the past subscribers were Monet, who is familiar with Mizuren. Currently, there are strict screenings to join this group, and it seems that reservations alone will wait for several years.

No, I am very grateful that I joined a wonderful organization and the level is steadily improving year by year.

We will continue to devote ourselves so that we can carry out activities that are not ashamed of this.



happy New Year.

Thank you for everything last year.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks to everyone's warm support, I was able to work safely for a year.

I'm really thankful to you.

This year as well, I would like to work sincerely so that I can play an active role in meeting everyone's expectations.

I look forward to working with you again this year.

Ukyo Kagetsu

To commemorate the first anniversary of graffiti
"Ukyo Kazuki (mainly graffiti) solo exhibition" will be held.


"Today's graffiti" that is updated daily in the way of in-Star grams we topped the first anniversary on August 30 this year. And it is continuing in the present progressive tense.

This time, we will exhibit graffiti from August 30, 2016 to August 29, 2017, which started to commemorate the first anniversary. Since this is a paper exhibition, we will mainly exhibit paper works and a few oil paintings. Paper works are planned to cost around 2,000 to 10,000 yen. Goods such as postcards will also be on sale. The accounting will be done by Mr. Shinano Art Materials next door.

Admission is free, and AEON MALL has recently opened, so please take this opportunity to take a look.

Session: November 18th (Sat) -December 10th (Sun) Open all year round

10: 00-18: 00

[Writers in the hall: Saturday, December 9th, Sunday, December 10th]

Venue: Gallery Shinano

3-7-8 Fukashi, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture

TEL (0263) 35-1039

Matsumoto Performing Arts Center West Yoko

There is a parking lot in the back

See the Blog article for details. Click here for the call mail to the writer →

Participate in the book "Japanese Art x Hermitage"


One of the world's three major art museum, to commemorate the Hermitage Museum official opening 100 anniversary of Russia, books ruled the study by Japanese artists became possible to be published in December this year.

I will also post one oil painting work. I am very honored and impressed. The featured work is "Squeaking", which is scheduled to be exhibited in India in November this year.

The collection place for this book is the Hermitage Museum. I think there are collections in other countries, but there are no plans to sell books this time.

If there are people who come to the Hermitage Museum, it seems that they are located in various museums, so if you have time, please look for them.

Binding: A4 variant with Russian translation

Departure: December 2017 (planned)

Collection: Hermitage Museum (Russia)

Hermitage Rooms (Somerset House, London, England)

Hermitage Museum, Amsterdam separate volume (Amstelveen, The Netherlands)

Rudam) etc ...

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this book, please click here.

We will exhibit at the 25th International Peace Art Exhibition Overseas Exhibition.


This year to be the International Peace Art Exhibition 25th Anniversary Special, Tokyo - is carried out in India, "the 25th, International Peace Art Exhibition" will be exhibited at. This time it will be an announcement of an overseas exhibition.

The exhibited works will be new oil paintings.

Admission is free, so please try it out.

Date: November 12th (Sun) -November 15th (Wed), 2017

Venue: All Indian Arts and Crafts Association

AIFACS (All India Fine Art & Crafts Society)

(Delhi, India)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

I uploaded the photo!


The work image on the art page has been uploaded!

The oil paintings to be exhibited at the EMP Gallery, the oil paintings to be exhibited at Da Vinci's exhibition, and the images of the works when I participated in the nude drawing party in August were added.

It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it. Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

We will exhibit at "Invitation from Da Vinci".


Leonardo da Vinci will participate in the exhibition, which is performed at the Clos Luce Castle reached the last moment France-Loire region.

The Loire region of France is famous for its old castles and is a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. There is the castle of Clos Lucé, where Da Vinci would have modified "Mona Lisa" until the end. It's an exhibition at a place I visited once, so I'm afraid and excited.

The works exhibited this time will also exhibit new oil paintings.

Admission is free, so please try it out.

Session: (First term) October 4, 2017 (Wednesday) -October 7, 2017 (Saturday)

(Late) October 8th (Sun) -October 11th (Wed), 2017


Venue: Clos Lucé Castle (Loire, France)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

Participate in the EMP Gallery Renewal Exhibition.


EMP gallery celebrated its fifth anniversary, we have decided renewed. This is a place called 2K540 under the railroad track, which has become a hot topic in the media in Ameyoko and Ueno Okachimachi, and it is in a corner that has become a hot topic as the second art district where galleries are lined up.

With the renewal of the gallery, it is said that an exhibition will be held with dozens of prospective artists. I will participate in the previous term. Ueno is an area that is worth sightseeing, so be sure to visit here as well.

Session: (First term) October 3rd (Tuesday) -October 15th (Sunday), 2017

(Late) October 17, 2017 (Tuesday) -October 29, 2017 (Sunday)

Holding time: Tue-Fri / 12: 00-18: 00 Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays / 11: 00-17: 00 (closed days / Mondays)

Venue: EMP Gallery

(5-10-20 Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo tel.03-6803-2635)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

Exhibition of graduates of "Creative Art School Alumni Association Award"
We will exhibit at.


Exhibition was the graduates who was awarded the Alumni special award at the graduation work of Sokatachi art school in the target became be held. There are 4 participants including me. We are planning to exhibit several works, mainly works that have been exhibited overseas in the past.

Admission is free, so please try it out.

Date: September 20th (Wednesday) -September 30th (Saturday), 2017

9:00 to 18:00 (until 17:00 on Sundays)

Venue: Galleria Punt (1st floor of Creative Art School)

(3-31-2 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo)

Party: Saturday, September 23, from 2:00 pm

I will also participate.

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

I uploaded the photo!


The work image on the art page has been uploaded!

Images of oil paintings to be exhibited at the "25th International Peace Art Exhibition" domestic exhibition have been added. It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it. Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

We will exhibit at the 25th International Peace Art Exhibition Domestic Exhibition.


This year to be the International Peace Art Exhibition 25th Anniversary Special, Tokyo - is carried out in India, "the 25th, International Peace Art Exhibition" will be exhibited at.

There are domestic and overseas exhibitions here, and this time we will announce the domestic exhibition.

The exhibited works will be new oil paintings. This is the only opportunity to see this new work in Japan during this year.

Admission is free, so please try it out.

Date: July 15th (Sat) -July 18th (Tue), 2017

From 10:00 to 18:00 (* From 13:00 on the first day)

Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Theater 5F Exhibition Gallery 1.2

(1-8-1 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

I uploaded the photo!


The work image on the art page has been uploaded!

Images of oil paintings to be exhibited at "Exhibition of MINERVA 2017" have been added. It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it. Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

We will exhibit at Exhibition of MINERVA 2017.


United Kingdom, in London of Mar Galleries, exhibition by contemporary Japanese elite artists to 200 people will be held. (Japanese painting, Western painting, sculpture, crafts, photography, calligraphy, etc.)

This is part of the project Minerva, which is sent from London to the world. This term I became a two-star (up to three-star) honorary member of the Royal Society of British Artists. At the book publication party, I gave a congratulatory speech on behalf of all the participating artists. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me a valuable experience.

The gallery for this exhibition in London is the same as the previous year, Maru Galleries. This is also a place for the Royal Society of British Artists.

We will exhibit the new oil paintings of F20 there.

If you have a chance to go near you, please come and visit us.


Date: May 30th (Tuesday) -June 2nd (Friday), 2017


See the blog post for details.

For inquiries regarding this exhibition, please click here .

We will exhibit at the 22nd Japanese Art Award Winners Exhibition! !!


Received the Popular Artist Award at the 22nd Japan Art National Selection Artist Exhibition. Along with that, an exhibition of award-winning artists will be held in Ginza, Tokyo.

If you missed the work last time, please come and visit us.

Date: May 10th (Wednesday) -May 14th (Sunday), 2017

10: 00-18: 00 * Until 13:00 on the last day

Venue: Tokyo Ginza Yokyo Hall

6-3-2 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Gallery Center Building 6th floor

tel: 03-3571-3402

free entrance


See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

I uploaded the photo!


The work image on the art page has been uploaded!

Images of oil paintings exhibited at the 22nd Japan Art National Selection Exhibition have been added. It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it. Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

For information about the work, see Blog

Won the popular artist award!


My Western-style painting, which was exhibited at the 22nd Japan Art National Selected Artists Exhibition, won the Popular Artist Award! This is the first award! !!

An exhibition of award-winning artists will be held in Tokyo later, so we will update it as soon as the details are known.

This time, it was an award with the votes of everyone who came to see it. I'm really thankful to you.

Please see the blog for details.

The book "MINWRVA 2017" has been published.


Have also been published my work "MINERVA 2017" was published in late March. This is part of the project Minerva, which is sent from London to the world. This book can be purchased at bookstores nationwide, so please check it out.

Art book name: "MINERVA 2017"

Binding: A4 variant, with English translation, art printing

Departure: Qualiart

Selling: Shuppan Bunkasha

Release date: Late March 2017

Gold amount: 2,500 yen + tax


See the blog post for details.

For inquiries about this book, please click here .

We will exhibit at the 22nd Japanese Art National Selected Artists Exhibition.


This year's first exhibition participation.

We will exhibit at the 22nd Japanese Art National Selected Artists Exhibition. This exhibition will be held in a competition format at the Ueno Royal Museum in Ueno, Tokyo.

The exhibited work will be an undisclosed F50 oil painting. We will post the work image on Instagram today. It will be posted here after the exhibition is over. Since the work uses a slightly different material than usual, the actual product and the image are slightly different.

If you have a chance to go near you, please come and visit us.

Date: February 18th (Sat) -February 22nd (Wed), 2017

10: 00-17: 00

* From 13:00 on the first day to 12:00 on the last day

Venue: The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo

free entrance


See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

I uploaded the photo!

2017.1.30 .mon

6 images of works on the art page have been uploaded!

We have added 5 abstract paintings for the first time and images of oil paintings completed this year. It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it.

Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page



happy New Year.

Thank you very much for all your help last year.

It was like a dream to meet many people even after holding my first solo exhibition.

It's just because of the warm support of everyone.

I was able to work safely for a year. I'm really thankful to you.

This year as well, I would like to work sincerely so that I can play an active role in meeting everyone's expectations.

I look forward to working with you again this year.

Ukyo Kagetsu

We will exhibit at Asian Art Fellowship 2016 overseas exhibition.


Japan and is a Singapore establishment of diplomatic relations 50 anniversary will be exhibited at the "Asian Art Fellowship 2016". There are domestic and overseas exhibitions, and this time we will announce the overseas exhibitions.

The exhibited works will be exhibited in London in May this year, and the popular oil painting of the waterfall "The quiet flow is endless" will be exhibited. It has been decided that this work will be permanently stored in the venue after it is exhibited in Singapore.

If you have a chance to go near you, please come and visit us.

Session: [First term] November 14th (Monday) -November 17th (Thursday), 2016

[Late] November 19th (Sat) -November 22nd (Tue), 2016

Venue: School of the Arts Singapore

(School of the Art Singapore <SOTA>)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

[Mini Solo Exhibition] MOVE Exhibition in Shanghai


A mini solo exhibition will be held at "Shanghai Fengyueshe Gallery" in the art village known as "M50" in Shanghai Creative Industry Clusters, Shanghai, China.

If you have a chance to visit near us, please feel free to visit us.

Date: November 10, 2016 (Thursday) -December 7, 2016 (Wednesday)

Venue: Shanghai Fengyueshe Gallery 

M17 -109, 1st floor, No. 50, No. 17, Mitsuyama Road, Shanghai, China

 TEL + 86-21-3227-0036 10: 00-18: 00 Closed on Mondays


For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here .

I uploaded the photo!

2016.10.11 .tue

Two images of the work on the art page have been uploaded!

Added images of oil paintings drawn for the International Peace Art Exhibition and images of pencil drawings. It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it.

Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

We will exhibit at the 24th International Peace Art Exhibition Overseas Exhibition.


Kamakura become sister city tie-up 50th anniversary - is carried out in Nice "24th, International Peace Art Exhibition" will be exhibited at.

There are domestic and overseas exhibitions here, and this time we will announce the overseas exhibitions.

The exhibited works will be exhibited at the domestic exhibition in Kamakura in July this year, and the popular oil paintings will be exhibited.

This time it will be exhibited in Nice, France, so if you have a chance to get closer during the period, please come and visit us.

Date: October 20th (Thursday) -October 23rd (Sunday), 2016


(Nice, France)

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.

I uploaded the photo!

The work image on the art page has been uploaded!

Although it was late, I added an image of a new oil painting drawn for a solo exhibition.

It has been added at the top of the art page. Click on the work to enlarge it.

Please take a look if you feel like it.

art page

We will exhibit at MOVE Exhibition in TASMANIA.


We will participate in the exhibition to be held in Australia, Tasmania. This time, we also have the purpose of supporting and publicizing the endangered Tasmanian devil. One piece of work was exhibited there.

Date: September 15th (Thursday) -September 18th (Sunday), 2016

Venue: The Barn Rosny Farm

Rpsny Hill Road, Rosny Park, Tasmania 7018

See the Blog article for details.

For inquiries about this exhibition, please click here.